The "Red dot" design award is awarded annually by the German "Design Zentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen" institution for the highest achievements in the field of design. The panel of experts recognized the design of the Cyber Clean® Stylus-Pro as interesting and innovative. The main judging criteria are originality, brand recognition, design quality, aesthetics and overall look and feel. In total, over 4,600 works from 54 countries were evaluated and only the best products were awarded this prestigious award for aesthetic forms and long-term trends.
Stylus-Pro has been developed specifically for touch-sensitive screens of smartphones and tablets. It is not only a touch pen, but also a practical and easy-to-use cleaning tool. It effectively removes dirt, dust and stains from the screens of smart devices. Stylus-Pro consists of an alcohol-free cleaning fluid developed by JOKER Technologies, a spray and a multi-layer hydrophilic material, compactly and cleverly incorporated. A specialized cleaning fluid and silver ion-treated material ensure that harmful bacteria on the screens are destroyed. The Stylus-Pro is available in several colors and each package comes with a special mount to attach the Stylus-Pro to your tablet.
You can learn more about the product here.