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What to give HIM?

What to give HIM?

As Christmas approaches inexorably, most of us have already started thinking about gifts for our relatives and friends. Perhaps the most difficult thing is to choose a gift for men. We ask ourselves: What do they want? What do they need? What can we buy them? So we can spend hours in stores looking for an original gift for HIM.

So, here are some ideas that, combined with creativity, will help you find an exceptional Christmas gift that will surprise HIM. So let's go to work - after all, there is not much left until Christmas...:)

I. Be a detective

If you can't think of what to get your boyfriend, just subtly ask him various things. For example, what are his hobbies, favorite activities. Chat about sports, computers, art, music - everything your friend is interested in. During communication, at least a few ideas for Christmas gifts will surely arise! Just ask very discreetly, as if you're just keeping the conversation going, so he doesn't suspect anything - you don't want to spoil the surprise!

II. Ask friends or family

If you haven't seen your friend for a long time or asking him about his favorite activities doesn't help, then you can simply ask his friends or family members for advice. You will be surprised how much they can know and help you. After all, men also like to vent to their friends!

III. Check out the Christmas offers

You may come up with some Christmas gift ideas that you wouldn't have even thought of. Plus, most retailers offer discounts before Christmas, so you'll not only get new ideas, but you'll also save money.

IV. Give something that will please HIM, not you!

One of the most important things when choosing a gift for Christmas is to remember that you need to give something that will really please Him, even though you may not necessarily like it! Therefore, you will have to forget your tastes and desires for a while if you want to choose an original gift for your boyfriend. As hard as it may be, but trust me, the effort is definitely worth his smile when he receives his Christmas present.

My husband, like many other Lithuanians, likes basketball. I will admit that I am not a fan of this sport. But one year I gave him two tickets to the most important game of his favorite team. Of course, he was very surprised and grateful, so he took me to the match. Although it wasn't my favorite way to spend a Saturday, seeing how happy he was made me happy too.

Moral of the story: When choosing a gift for your boyfriend, think about his interests and passions, even if it means making a small sacrifice.

V. Agree on how much money you will spend on each other's gifts

Sometimes it's very unpleasant to be disappointed when you spend so much money on a gift for your friend, when you received a small trinket. Or vice versa, you wouldn't want to blush at all if he gave you a new dress and your favorite perfume, and you gave him a book. Therefore, the best solution is to agree in advance how much money you can spend on each other's Christmas presents!

VI. Give an exclusive, original Christmas gift!

If he likes to spend his free time in the garage polishing an already clean car, then guess what he'll remember more: chocolate-making lessons with you or a nanotechnology tool for the car that he doesn't yet have and didn't even know existed? Whether he likes cars, extreme sports, or working in the kitchen - try to make your gift a surprise for him!

VII. Don't put it off until the last day

If you start thinking about gifts for Christmas earlier, not only will you have more time to search, but you will also be able to find out more about him. For example, take your boyfriend with you when you go shopping for a gift for your girlfriend. Ask him what he thinks, and he's sure to tell you what he likes or hint at what he doesn't like. Shopping for Christmas presents is already stressful for many, but there's nothing worse than wandering around the shops the day before the holidays trying to find something to get your boyfriend. So I advise you to buy in stores earlier, and it is best to order online so that you don't have to stand in long queues.

Happy upcoming holidays!

After all, Christmas should be a holiday not only for your loved ones, whose gifts you take such care of, but also for you!

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